hookahSqueeze now in the easy Tubes: Super easy and even more flavourful!
Due to the creamier consistency, hookahSqueeze now combines even better with hookah tobacco when mixing! Decide for yourself: Over or under the tobacco! Our tip: The Squeezy sandwich setup. Squeeze at the bottom, then tobacco - and a little squeeeeze on top again! In the Sheeshaya Hyphen and Vandenberg V1 with the AO HMD 912, we smoked very pleasantly for a good two hours at the ShishaFair 2022.
Another tip: Less is more - hookahSqueeze is very productive! Start with a small amount of Squeezy. You can always use more at the next head if it wasn't intense enough for you. And if you want to smoke the shisha paste alone, you need a lot of heat, especially in the beginning.
hookahSqueeze Grapefruit
hookahSqueeze Grapefruit is naturally fruity and invigorating, slightly tart and tastes like freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Also a perfect complement, especially to very sweet flavours.
EN: hookahSqueeze Grapefruit is natural, fruity and refreshing, slightly sour and tastes like fresh pressed grapefruit juice - it's a perfect contribution, especially to very sweet flavours.
Labelling according to CLP Regulation & Safety Data Sheet:
hookahSqueeze hookah vapour paste grapefruit, ingredients: glycerine, diatomaceous earth, flavouring, colouring.
UFI: 9H00-60WS-F00E-T811
Attention! Contains: Limonene. May cause allergic skin reactions. Toxic to aquatic organisms, with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have packaging or label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Avoid release into the environment. Wear protective gloves. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. In case of skin irritation or rash: Seek medical advice/attention. Dispose of contents/container to hazardous or special waste collection point.
Safety Data Sheet hookahSqueeze Vapour Paste Grapefruit PDF